History of the Forum

I International Forum on Modernization of Teacher Education on June 3-5, 2015

3rd of June, 2015 – Russian – Turkish seminar "Teacher education in Russia and Turkey: research results and its implementation in educational practice;

4th of June, 2015 – All Russian science – practical conference on problems of development and approbation of undergraduate programs` new modules for the enlarged group of specialties "Education and pedagogy" (psychological and pedagogical education), including students` academic mobility in terms of networking;

5th of June, 2015 – Russian – Dutch seminar "New approaches to the modernization of teacher education in Russia and Netherlands" and Russian – British seminar "Increase of publication activity in education sphere".

Among the participants, there are Russian and international experts: Ian Menter (UK), professor of Oxford University, director of professional programs for Department of Education, president of the British Educational Research Association; Prof. Nicholas Rushby (UK), editor of British journal of educational technology; Prof. Wilhelmina Brouwers (Netherlands), University of Amsterdam; Prof. Bulent Ozdemir (Turkey), University of Balikesir; Irina Sokolova, PhD, professor, director of the Institute of teacher education and education for adults in Russian Academy of Education; Irina Demakova, PhD, professor, Head of the Department of pedagogy and psychology at the Academy for qualification and professional retraining of teaching stuff (Moscow). Russian experts, along with foreign ones, proposed and developed new models of the main professional education program.

The conference was attended by 165 participants, 101 of which gave oral presentations, 22 representatives of university partners, that implement approbation of new models in education program, 64 – virtual, with the publication of materials in proceedings. The plenary session included 8 reports, sessions included 49 presentations. The conference hosted 12 representatives from the UK, Turkey, Netherlands, Vietnam; 42 participants from Russian regions (Moscow, Saint-Petersburg, Izhevsk, Arzamas, Novokuzneck, Cheboksary, Saransk, Krasnogorsk, Perm, Kirov, Ekaterinburg, Naberezhnye Chelny, Elabuga, Birsk). The final plenary session was inaugurated by proposals of section chiefs, representatives of partner universities, and also international and Russian experts on the finalization of new models of main professional education programs.

4th of June, 2015 – Welcoming speech of Prof. Ilshat Gafurov, PhD, Rector of Kazan Federal University.

In his speech, Ilshat Gafurov noted the significance of teacher education in our university. All university institutes have scientific laboratories with modern technical equipment and work with future teachers. The basic principle of KFU claims that a qualified teacher should get psychological-pedagogical education along with fundamental education. The Institute of psychology and education that hosts this conference, is the coordinator of teacher education in the university. As a result, the quality of knowledge increased. KFU is in 2nd place in psychological and pedagogical education in Russia. With the grant support, the number of students in master`s programs has increased. Institute of psychology and education will coordinate the entire master`s degree on teacher education.

8 reports were presented at the plenary session.

Victor Bolotov (Moscow, Russia), Ed.D, professor, member of Russian Academy of Education, research supervisor of Center for Education Quality Monitoring on teacher education and psychological and pedagogical sciences, in his report "Modernization of teacher education", identified the following factors that determined the need for modernization of teacher education in Russia: 1. Implementation of new standards and school education programs based on activity approach. New standards and programs for preschool education; 2. Modernization of higher education content and technologies, design of Federal State Education Standards 4 focused on competency-based approach; 3. Adoption of professional standards for teachers.

He outlined the following main directions in the modernization of teacher education: transition to modular principles of education process organization; strengthening practical orientation of education programs (practice, training); development of procedures and measuring materials to evaluate graduates` readiness for work taking into account professional standards requirements; organization of networking between institutions. Projects, launched by the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, include 44 universities: 13 of them won the competitions, 31 joined the winners. Among them 8 federal and research universities, 16 classic and humanities universities, 20 education institutions.

They develop and test training programs for teachers: preschool, primary, basic and secondary education, educational psychologists, and special educators. At the final stage of the project, it is planned to test the Online exam for bachelors, complete the module library produced within the project, on the "Teacher education" site, and describe the positive experience of networking. As the main objectives for the future, Victor Bolotov highlighted the need to expand the list of project participants; professional orientation of applicants to education programs; development of programs for entering into professional activity, and programs for supplementary vocational education.

Ian James Menter (Oxford, UK), professor of Oxford University, director of professional programs for Department of Education, president of the British Educational Research Association, editor-in-chief of “Review of Education” journal in his report “Towards an integrated model of professional learning in teacher education – experience from the UK” highlighted the current state, development tendencies and contradictions in teacher training in Great Britain.

The speaker focused on the interaction between school and university, science and practice in teachers` professional training. An integrated model of professional learning at universities that assumes integration of educational theory and practice is widely discussed because of study, organized by the British Educational Research Association.

Irina Sokolova (Saint-Petersburg, Russia), PhD, professor, director of Institute of teacher education and education for adults in Russian Academy of Education in the report "On the concept of improving teacher training" revealed the basic theses of the Concept of improving teacher training in Russia and CIS countries, created by Russian Academy of Education based on Institute`s research and proposals of the working group, that presented a draft concept of teacher education development, rendered for public discussion by Ministry of Education and Science of Russian Federation. The report highlighted the problems, main directions of teacher education development, and ways of implementation.

Wilhelmina Brouwers, professor at the University of Amsterdam, and Theo Cappon, board member of Society of Janusz Korczak in the Netherlands (Amsterdam, Netherlands) in their report "Dilemmas in modern teachers' training" revealed the major contradictions of teacher training in the Netherlands. Innovations and modernization of teacher education in the Netherlands have been done constantly as in most countries. Teacher education in the Netherlands is divided into two types: training for secondary education and primary education. Students who choose secondary education are trained in one direction (including language, history, geography, and major subject). Teacher training for primary school is focused on children from 4 to 12. This particular aspect was emphasized in the report. It also revealed existing approaches to teacher education in the present-day Netherlands: subject-oriented approach, modular approach, competency-based approach.

Professor Nicholas John Rushby, editor-in-chief of British Journal of Educational Technology (London, UK) in his report "Training trainers in the UK" compared training systems in USA and UK.

Itinerary preparation of senior trainers in the USA requires a master`s degree in instructional design. Search in Google shows that hundreds of American universities offering various forms of training (full time, part-time, distant, consultative, etc.) provide fundamental knowledge in theory and practice of adult education. In contrast, master`s programs in this field in the UK are provided only by Trinity College in Dublin, Ireland. In his report, Nick Rushby revealed the reasons and probable approaches to solving this problem.

Professor of University of Balikesir Bulent Ozdemir (Turkey, Balikesir) presented the report "How to respond to the 21st-century challenges: globalized teacher and devotion".

Irina Demakova (Moscow, Russia), PhD, professor, head of the department of pedagogy and psychology of Academy for qualification and professional retraining of teaching stuff in her report "Teacher education in terms of education development strategy implementation" noted that the significance of conference is not only in the fact that we have an opportunity to discuss fundamentally new program "Psychological and pedagogical education" on specialization "Practical psychology in education", but also to see new development horizons of such an important sphere for educational institutions.

According to the texts, experts had to meet significant planned requirements:

– postgraduates will act as facilitators of child development in an education environment;

– they will be professionally educated for psychological and pedagogical support of individual educational trajectories in terms of concrete education environment;

– they will be able to use psychological and pedagogical technologies for targeted work with various categories of students.

The urgency of these problems is obvious: researches carried out in 2015, show problems experienced by education institutions, associated with graduates` realization of their cognitive, professional, and personal resources; with the acquisition of its implementation ways in life.

The work of five afternoon sessions on the discussion of development and approbation of undergraduate programs` new modules for the enlarged group of specialties "Education and pedagogy" (psychological and pedagogical education), including students' academic mobility in terms of networking:

  1.  Section “Content and technological mechanisms of implementation of new undergraduate program modules` on “Psychological and pedagogical education”, involving students` academic mobility in terms of networking”.
  2. Section “International cooperation in the field of teacher education: issues on organization of students` academic mobility”.
  3. Section “Modernization of teacher education in terms of networking: historical and theoretical and organizational-pedagogical aspects”.
  4. Section “Problems of education in teacher training: history and modernity”.
  5. Section “Competence approach in teacher education”.

II International Forum on Teacher Education

II International Forum on Teacher Education was held on May 19-21, 2016 in the Institute of psychology and education.

Aims of the Forum:

  • study of historical background, trends, and characteristics of teacher education;
  • analysis and summarizing of theoretical and practical, traditional and innovative approaches to the modernization of teacher education;
  • scientific and methodological support of the quality of modern teacher education in accordance with the requirements of the new educational standards and labor market;
  • familiarization with the practice of teacher education abroad;
  • exchange of teaching techniques, materials, and experience.

The main subjects of the Forum:

  1. the historical emergence of teacher education in Russia and abroad;
  2. modeling of new teacher`s personality and professional activity;
  3. problems of modernization and content development of professional teacher education considering requirements of new educational standards;
  4. implementation of the competency-based approach in a system of teacher education;
  5. problems of preparing future teachers for innovative teaching activities in a multi-level structure of educational process organization in teacher training institution;
  6. innovative education technologies for personal and professional development of future teachers;
  7. integration of professional-pedagogical and classic university education in the training of the new teacher;
  8. problems of improving the system of continuing teacher education;
  9. problems of current multicultural education in Russia and abroad;
  10. problems of future teachers` training in terms of students` academic mobility;
  11. the educational potential of children`s literature and multicultural training of the future teacher:
  12. role of networking in organizing of teacher education;
  13. implementation of educative potential in the education process and extracurricular activity in the training of the new teacher;
  14. foreign experience as a source of innovations when improving the national system of teacher education.

The forum included the following scientific events

May 19, 2016, International Conference "Children`s literature and education in a multicultural world"

May 20, 2016, International Conference "Effectiveness of teacher education: innovative approaches"

May 21, 2016, III International Conference "Multicultural educational environment and teacher training: integration of Russian and foreign experience".

The Forum in Kazan hosted the participation of nearly 800 scientists from such countries as Scotland, Ireland, Great Britain, Austria, Finland, Singapore, Cuba, Vietnam, Laos, Korea, Armenia, Bulgaria, the USA, and others. During the 3 days of the Forum, colleagues from various countries exchanged their professional experience, discussed mutual problems in the sphere of education, and worked together to find out the ways of its solution considering specifics of development and functioning various education systems. A great many highly qualified professionals presented their views on the education system and proposed their methods of its modernization.

Editors and editorial board members of the following 12 scientific journals indexed in Scopus and Web of Science took part in the Forum:

Critical Studies in Education,


British Journal of Educational Technology,

Research in Comparative and International Education,

Journal of Teacher Education,

Journal of Baltic Science Education, Educational Sciences: Theory and Practice,

Journal of Turkish Science Education,

Eurasia Journal of Mathematics,

The International Journal of Environmental and Science Education (IJESE),

British Journal of Religious Education,

International Journal of Technology and Human Interaction (IJTHI),

Teaching History.

The proceedings of II International Forum on Teacher Education (IFTE-2016) were published in the European Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences and indexed in the Web of Science (http://www.futureacademy.org.uk/publication/EpSBS/IFTE2016VolumeXII).

The opening ceremony of the Forum was held in the "Unics" concert hall.

The forum was opened by the welcoming speeches of Engel Fattakhov, Deputy Prime Minister of the Republic of Tatarstan, and Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan; Prof. Vladimir Laptev, Vice-President of Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Education; Dr. Isak Froumin, Professor, Scientific Supervisor of the Institute of Education, High School of Economics, Moscow; Ilshat Gafurov, Rector of Kazan Federal University.

Presentations of senior officials and significant persons in the Russian education system in the framework of the solemn opening ceremony were accompanied by several pleasant surprises. Among these, Vice-President Vladimir Laptev presented an official document confirming the start of organizing and forming one of eight federal regional research centers of the Russian Academy of Education based on Kazan Federal University. To loud applause, the document was handed to Ilshat Gafurov, the Rector of Kazan Federal University.

It is planned federal regional research center of the Russian Academy of Education will prepare highly qualified teaching staff, form the so-called "golden reserve" of the teacher education system, develop and implement the newest strategies for modernization of the education system in general.

In his welcoming speech, Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan Engel Fattakhov detailed not only things that were done in the framework of multi-faceted modernization of the education system and fields related to it, but also perspectives of further development in this area, which caused great excitement among the audience.

Vladimir Laptev, Vice-president of the Russian Academy of Education, in his welcoming speech shared strategic plans for the Academy, and outlined changes and improvements in a designated field that are supposed to be done on a federal level.

Rector of Kazan Federal University Ilshat Gafurov in his report told about projects and work areas that are now of highest priority for the university, and peculiarly in the field of pedagogy, educational psychology, and education pedagogy in general. He also noted some of the further development vectors in this field in the framework of scientific activity at university. Rector Gafurov also paid attention to the recent transformation of Kazan University and what is still has to be made, and also stressed the importance at this stage of highly qualified specialists being able to react and adapt to new educational challenges, striving for continuous professional development and self-development, and open for new professional experience.

Isak Froumin, Scientific Supervisor of the Institute of Education, High School of Economics in his presentation told colleagues about the activity of the Coordinating Council on teacher education under the Ministry of Education of Russian Federation, highlighting the participation of Kazan Federal University, and particularly the Institute of psychology and education in his work.

III International Forum on Teacher Education

III International Forum on Teacher Education was held at the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University from 23 to 25 May 2017.

Objectives of the Forum:

– to examine historical background, trends, and characteristics of modernization of teacher education in Russia;

– to analyze and summarize theoretical, practical, traditional, and innovative approaches to the modernization of teacher education;

– to provide quality teacher education in accordance with requirements of new educational standards and the labor market;

– to learn more about educational practices abroad;

– to exchange teaching techniques, practices, and experience.

The main subjects of the Forum:

– historical stages of the development of the system of teacher education in Russia and abroad;

– the development of a new model of teaching practice in the 21st century;

– problems of modernization and development of teacher training programs in accordance with requirements of new educational standards;

– implementation of the competency-based approach in the system of pedagogical education;

– challenges in teacher education in a multicultural educational space;

– educational technologies aimed at professional development of a multicultural teacher;

– implementation of professional-pedagogical and classical (non-pedagogical) university education in teacher training;

– challenges in improving the system of continuing professional development;

– challenges in multicultural education in Russia and abroad;

– prospects and challenges for creating a safe educational space for children;

– pedagogy and psychology of non-violence in family and school;

– realization of the educational potential of extra-curricular activities in teacher education;

– overseas experience as a source of innovation when improving the system of Russian pedagogical education.

Three Research-to-Practice-Conferences were held within the Forum:

23 May 2017 – "Continuous Teacher Education in the modern world: from Research to Productive Solutions"

24 May 2017 – "Socio-stable and Safe Environment for children: Psychology and Pedagogy of Non-violence in Family and in School"

25 May 2017 – "Transnational and Regional Adaptation of Child Migrants: Current Practice and Models of Socio-Cultural and Psycho-Pedagogical Integration"

The Forum was attended by more than 600 people from Russia and abroad. The leading scholars on education challenges from the USA, China, Germany, the UK, Ireland, Slovenia, Cuba, Poland, France, and other countries were among the participants at the Forum.

Pre-Forum events held on 22 May 2017, included the international workshop "Research Methodology in Education", organized by the University of Miami and University College Dublin.

The inaugural ceremony of the III International Forum on Teacher Education was held in the 'UNIKS' concert hall. Representatives of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Academy of Education and the National Academy of Education named after Y.Altynsarin brought greetings and good wishes.

The President of the III International Forum on Teacher Education, Doctor of Sciences in Economics, Professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Education, Rector of Kazan Federal University Ilshat Gafurov, in his welcome address pointed out that teacher education is one of the priority areas. The rapidly changing world, its values, and priorities, undoubtedly, necessitate changes in teacher education. Ilshat Gafurov highlighted that Kazan Federal University is a unique example of a successful combination of classical (non-pedagogical) and pedagogical education. This has thus led to the implementation of a differentiated approach in teacher education.

Keynote speakers of the Forum were Maria Flores, President of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), and Theo Wubbels, President of the European Educational Research Association (EERA).

The academic director of the Institute of Education of The National Research University Higher School of Economics Isak Frumin; Professor at the University of Ljubljana Andreja Istenic Starcic; Professor at University College Dublin Conor Galvin; Director of the Department of Supplementary Education at Nazarbayev University Aygul Aktymbayeva; Professor at the University of Miami Dina Birman; Emeritus Professor at the University of Oxford Ian Menter; Professor at the University of Glasgow Margery McMahon; Dean of Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski" Boncho Gospodinov; Professor at the TU Dresden Axel Gehrmann; Rector of Maxim Tank Belarusian State Pedagogical University Alexandr Juk; Doctor of Sciences in Pedagogy, Professor at Kazan Federal University Roza Valeeva had submitted their reports.

The Forum was also attended by editors and editorial board members of 19 journals, indexed in Scopus and Web of Science:

Review of Education (RoE)

International Journal of Intercultural Relations

American Journal of Community Psychology

Journal of Community and Applied Social Psychology

International Journal of Intercultural Relations

Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Minority Psychology

Child and Youth Care Forum

The American Journal of Education

Teachers and Teaching Theory and Practice

European Journal of Teacher Education

British Journal of Educational Technology

TOJET – The Turkish Online Journal of Education Technology

IJAC- International journal of advanced corporate learning

International journal: emerging technologies in learning

Research in Comparative and International Education

Journal of Teacher Education (2014 Impact Factor: 1.804)

Eurasian Journal of Educational Research

International Review of Management and Marketing

Pedagogical Research.

16 plenary papers were submitted by leading Russian and overseas experts in pedagogical education during the Forum. There were also 16 symposia and 28 workshops held during the 3 days of the Forum.

Jill Hawthorne, Director for International Development at John Wiley and Sons, gave a public lecture on how to avoid the rejection of publication of a manuscript. Participants of the Forum were interested in the lecture, as it sparked a lively discussion afterward.

Proceedings of the III International Forum on Teacher Education were published in the European Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences Journal (http://www.futureacademy.org.uk/publication/EpSBS/KazanFederalUniversityRussia).

IV International Forum on Teacher Education

The International Forum on Teacher Education (IFTE) is the largest conference in the field of teacher education in Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States. This year (22-24 May 2018) the Forum attracted more than 600 scholars representing 65 international and 93 Russian universities and research organizations.

IFTE aims to provide a platform for discussing various educational trends and reforms in the field of teacher education, for analyzing theoretical and practical issues, traditional and innovative approaches related to the modernization of teacher education.

The main distinguishing feature of the Forum is its practical orientation: scholars, educators, practitioners come to the Forum in order to discover new approaches and practical solutions that are currently being developed by the international community of educators. At the same time, the importance of the Forum has been recognized and highlighted at the government level – representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan took part in the Forum this year. Scholars representing the European Educational Research Association (EERA), the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS), the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), and the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE) also participated in the Forum.

Ilshat Gafurov, the Rector of Kazan Federal University and the Head of the Tatarstan branch of the Russian Academy of Education, noted that despite its young age, the Forum has already become widely popular among educators. The Forum has been growing every year, 165 professionals took part in the Forum in 2015, 400 scholars (from 26 Russian and 38 international universities) presented their research in 2017, and almost 600 (from 93 Russian and 65 international universities) took part in the Forum this year (including researchers from Australia, Azerbaijan, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Cuba, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Jamaica, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malta, Moldova, Namibia, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Turkey, the UK, the USA, and Uzbekistan).

This year the Forum was opened with a plenary session which was led by Ilshat Gafurov, the Rector of KFU (his presentation was on teacher education in non-pedagogical Russian universities), Maria Flores, the President of ISATT (her presentation was on teacher quality and professionalism), Aleksey Lubkov, the Rector of Moscow Pedagogical State University (his presentation was on teacher professionalism), Mourat Tchoshanov, Professor at the University of Texas at El Paso (his presentation was on the role of content knowledge in the ‘teacher-student’ link), Gil Noam, the Director of the PEAR Institute at Harvard University (his presentation was on extended learning as innovation in education), and Ian Menter, Emeritus Professor of Teacher Education at the University of Oxford (his presentation was on teachers’ professional knowledge).

350 papers on a range of various educational themes were presented at the Forum. Researchers shared their views and research results on the issues of modernization and development of the content of teacher education. They discussed questions related to a new type of teachers and their professional activities, integration of pedagogical and non-pedagogical universities that prepare a new type of teachers. The problems of teachers' continuing professional development and other essential topics related to teacher education were also touched upon at the symposiums and round tables.

A number of significant events such as international research and practice conferences 'Integration of theory and practice in subject teacher training', 'Teachers as educators', 'Children's deviance: prevention and intervention techniques' were also organized during the Forum. This year IFTE 2018 was organized in cooperation with the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT) which held its Regional Conference 2018 "Professionalism of the teacher as a condition of the quality of education" in Kazan. The discussions at the ISATT Conference contributed to the scientific dialogues about the methodological support of teacher training and the quality of education in accordance with the new educational standards and labor market. Scholars and educators from different countries had a great opportunity to learn from each other and share their professional experiences, materials, and techniques.

During the three days of the Forum 19 Russian and international key speakers working in the field of education gave their lectures; 14 symposiums, 90 sessions, 5 round tables, 4 plenary meetings, 4 international conferences, 2 workshops were held during the Forum.

The participants expressed a great interest in the 'parade of pedagogical projects' that was organized by the KFU scholars. Forum theatre on the topics 'Children and the Internet: danger of suicide', ''The odd' child in the classroom' also attracted particular attention. Nick Rushby, co-editor in chief of the KFU scientific journal 'Education and Self-Development' ran a round table on the requirements to the scientific papers imposed by high-ranked international scientific journals. The president of the national association of editors-in-chief and publishers, Olga Kirillova, together with other editors-in-chief and members of editorial boards of international scientific journals indexed in WoS and Scopus, attended the round table.

The best papers presented at the Forum will be published in the scientific journals "Continuing pedagogical education: problems and solutions", "Education and Self-Development", and European Proceedings of Social and Behavioral Sciences (indexed in WoS).

Professor Ilshat Gafurov, the Rector of Kazan Federal University, emphasized the significance of the IV International Forum on teacher education saying that nowadays when professionalism of the teacher is one of the crucial issues in the education systems of all countries, it is highly important to exchange views, experience, new ideas related to teaching and learning both on the regional and global levels. That is why such forums as IFTE are essential for the pedagogical community.

V International Forum on Teacher Education

The V International Forum on Teacher Education “Development of Teacher’s Professional Competencies: Main Problems and Values” has ended at the Kazan Federal University.

For the fifth year in a row, the Institute of Psychology and Education at the KFU at the highest level has organized a traditional forum for representatives of the education sector from around the world.

This year representatives of the universities of Oxford, Dublin, and others took the floor at the forum. In total, the forum was attended by scientists from 140 Russian and 60 foreign universities from more than 30 countries.

The significance of the International Forum on Pedagogical Education was quite capaciously revealed by the rector of KFU Ilshat Gafurov, stressing that in an environment where teacher’s professionalism is an extraordinarily important issue for educational systems in almost all countries of the world: “Our forum is primarily a science platform where we can to study advanced domestic and international experience, to present our own models of pedagogical education, which we have been successfully developing at KFU since 2011 ”.

Attention to pedagogy, the allocation of this field of knowledge as a priority direction for the development of KFU, decent funding, and proper goal-setting led the Institute of Psychology and Education to world leaders.

The importance of the International Forum on Teacher Education was also noted at the state level: the Forum was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, the Russian Academy of Education, and the international associations of pedagogical education research.

The forum, despite its young age, was widely known in professional circles. If in 2015, it was attended by 165 colleagues from Russia and other countries, in 2017 – 400 scientists from 26 Russian and 38 foreign universities, in 2019 – over 600 Russian and foreign scientists discussed topical issues of preparing a future teacher for pedagogical activities in multicultural educational space.

In 2019, the International Education Forum became a platform for holding events of various levels and scales: plenary and breakout sessions, round tables, seminars, master classes, panel discussions, etc. The heads of sections and moderators on the forums were well-known Russian and foreign experts, eminent teachers, representatives of metropolitan and regional educational institutions.

During the three days of the Forum, 67 key reports were presented from leading domestic and foreign experts in the field of teacher education; also held 13 symposia, more than 100 sections, 2 round tables, 4 international conferences, 2 masterclasses.

As part of the forum, four major international scientific and practical conferences took place: “Continuous Teacher Education: New Concepts and Technologies”, “Young Teacher: Adaptation and Professional Development”, “Research-Oriented Teacher Education”, “Ideas of Janusz Korczak in Preparing the Future Teacher “. Their topics included consideration of all aspects of a teacher’s work: from education to digital technologies and the integration of education into state development programs of various countries.

During the Forum, the most pressing problems were put on the agenda, and, not least, the scientific community showed cohesion in the quest to find solutions to them, and also showed adherence to the basic values of humanity in the search for answers to the most important issues facing the world system. education.

The forum included a number of other significant scientific events.

Thus, a discussion took place in KFU with the participation of academicians of the Russian Academy of Education, whose theme was changes in textbooks and curricula, support for rural schools, and the motivation to stay in the profession for young teachers.

Maria Teresa Tatto, Professor, Department of Education and Innovation at the University of Arizona, Ian Menter, Professor of Oxford at the University of Oxford, and Roza Valeyeva, Deputy Director for International Activities at the KFU IPO, presented an international monograph to the participants of the International Forum on Teacher Education: Cross-National Study, which they sponsored.

The Forum also included a seminar for young teachers in the TeachMeet format, an informal meeting of young teachers in Kazan, and a presentation of professional development projects for teachers at the Bala’i International School.

In the showroom of the Higher School of Journalism and Media Communications of KFU, an international discussion about the practice of adaptation of migrant children began.

The performance "Vivat, KFU!" Of the children's theater of the Institute of Psychology and Education "Rainbow" was seen by guests of the International Forum: members of the Janusz Korczak International Association, headed by the President of the International Society, famous Polish scientist Marek Michalek, as well as Russian scientists and teachers.

The Forum also hosted the International Order of Smile award ceremony and held a meeting with coordinators and graduates of the Global Education program.

VI International Forum on Teacher Education

The VI International Forum on Teacher Education (vIFTE-2020) was held by Kazan Federal University in a virtual format due to the coronavirus pandemic.

Prospects and Priorities of Teacher Education in Times of Change, Choice, and Challenges was the theme of IFTE-2020. The Forum comprised three international sub-conferences:

  • E-learning in Teacher Education
  • Teacher Education for Social Justice, Equality and Culturally Relevant Pedagogy
  • Global Trends and Perspectives on Bilingual and Language Teacher Education.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic that affected the world, this year for the first time in its history the Forum was held virtually. Keynote lectures, synchronous paper sessions, symposia, round tables, workshops, and SIG meetings were held on the Microsoft Teams corporate platform. Thus, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, IFTE-2020 became one of the world’s largest virtual research platforms in the field of teacher education.

The current Forum became the most representative both in terms of participants and in the scope of the topics announced: 575 reports were made by scientists from 275 universities, scientific and educational organizations, including 79 foreign universities (including scientists and practitioners from Russia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Moldova, Austria, Bulgaria, the UK, Ireland, Germany, Israel, India, China, Malaysia, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, the USA, Turkey, Finland, Italy, Montenegro, France, Greece, Norway, Spain, Canada, South Korea). They spoke on the problems of content modernization and development in vocational and teacher education, personality modeling and professional activities of a new type teacher, integration of vocational teacher education and classical university education in the preparation of a new type teacher, the problems of improving the system of continuous teacher education and many other topics.

According to Yandex. Metrica statistics, from May 27 to June 9, 2020, 6463 unique users from 88 countries (including the Russian Federation) visited ifte.kpfu.ru. The number of foreign visitors to the site was 20% of the total number of unique users.

Over 6 years Forum has grown to be one of the biggest conferences in the field of education in Eastern Europe and post-Soviet countries.

The forum partners were the Russian Academy of Education (RAE), the Russian Education Researchers Association (RERA), the Association of Science Editors and publishers of Russia (ASEP), the Turkish Education Research Association (EAB), the Association for Teacher Education in Europe (ATEE), the International Association of Educators (INASED), and the Cyprus Education Research Association (CERA).

"This is the first conference of this kind and scale, which was held in the Russian Federation. We did a great job, and the results are so impressive. So far, the forum was attended by 900 researchers from 275 universities in Russia and other countries, there were more than 32,000 entries, which is impossible to achieve offline. I think that when the pandemic ends we will continue to hold some of our events online," said the KFU rector.

As part of the Forum closing ceremony, the VR tour was organized at the KFU Institute of Psychology and Education. During this tour, virtual reality technologies that could be applied for teacher education were demonstrated to media representatives. Journalists were introduced to the innovative system of teacher education at KFU. They were also given a unique opportunity to test a virtual reality headset in order to see how the virtual classes could be organized.

VII International Forum on Teacher Education

The I International Conference for Young Researchers in Education was held at KFU on May 25, 2021

As Aydar Kalimullin, the director of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU stated, that conference has been an experimental project at Kazan University and is of great importance to young researchers.

The rector of Kazan Federal University Ilshat Gafurov had been granted the honorary right to initiate the Forum.

During his opening speech, he emphasized that the IFTE Forum, from its establishment in 2015, has become an innovative platform for the development of new ideas and technologies and unites representatives of the international academic community, leaders, and employees of educational organizations, and leading Russian and foreign experts.

"We are delighted that the International Conference for Young Researchers was held as a special feature of IFTE-2021, as among the 1,500 offline and online participants of the Forum 340 were young scientists," said I. Gafurov.

Furthermore, the KFU is currently a participant in many high-priority federal projects, where research by young scientists is one of the key areas of development, he added.

In conclusion, Ilshat Gafurov announced his decision to establish four additional positions for young researchers at the Institute of Psychology and Education at KFU.

Numerous platforms were used on May 25 to address topical issues of science and to present scientific reports.

Researchers from Far Eastern Federal University, Altai State Pedagogical University, Abai Kazakh National Pedagogical University, and Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University named after I. Ulyanov participated in the conference.

The following issues were discussed: formation of a regional model for continuous professional development of teachers, conditions for the formation of research competencies in teacher education, modern formats of in- and out-of-school educational work: the prospects for updating the educational experience, continuity of education in the university complex as a factor in overcoming social turbulence and extremes of the modern socio-cultural environment and many others.

Moreover, on the day before the Forum, there was a session devoted to young researchers in the field of education, where scientists from Slovenia and Russia took part.

Most workshops were held both in-person and online, allowing scientists from nearly 38 countries to join the Forum.

The VII International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE-2021 was held at KFU on May 26, 2021

The opening video greetings for IFTE-2021 were issued by Mustafa Yunus Eryaman, president of the World Education Research Association (WERA), Cheryl Craig, president of the International Study Association on Teachers and Teaching (ISATT), and Hazel Brown, president of the International Professional Development Association (IPDA).

The plenary session of the VII International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE was held at KFU

The opening ceremony of the VII International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE was held on May 26. Within three days more than 1500 Russian and foreign scientists from more than 200 universities of the world have been sharing pedagogical practices. Among them were leading Russian and foreign specialists in teacher education from universities of the UK, USA, Germany, Slovenia, Spain, and other countries.

On May 27, 2021, a session devoted to the 30th anniversary of the Russian Janusz Korczak Association was held at the Forum

It began with a film featuring a piece-by-piece recollection of the story of Janusz Korczak and his "Our House" orphanage.

Marek Michalak, the president of the International Janusz Korczak Association and former ombudsman for children's rights in Poland, greeted the participants. He reminded that the International Korczakoff Movement was founded in 1978, marking the centenary of the Polish educator's birth.

The Janusz Korczak Society was established in Russia in 1991. Since then, the Russian Janusz Korczak Society has conducted various projects focused on implementing Janusz Korczak's ideas in the educational process at Russian universities and in Russian pedagogy.

On May 29, 2021, the International Forum on Teacher Education was successfully concluded at Kazan Federal University

A plenary discussion on "Challenges and Goals of Modern Teacher Education" was the concluding event of the Forum.

Rector of Kazan Federal University Ilshat Gafurov underlined that despite all the challenges regarding the online format, the participants demonstrated a high level of performance on all Forum sessions contributing to the further development of teacher education and training of high-skilled teachers.

Furthermore, he mentioned that for the first time the event hosted an international conference focused on young researchers in the field of education.

Completing the sessions and roundtables, Ilshat Gafurov said that a certain concept of the next conference - IFTE - 2022 has already been formed, expressing the hope that the event will be held in person, where all participants will be able to enjoy face-to-face communication.

VIII International Forum on Teacher Education

From 25 to 27 May 2022, Kazan Federal University hosted the VIII International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE-2022. More than 1500 scientists from 29 countries representing 238 higher education institutions and scientific organisations participated in the scientific event organised jointly with the Russian Academy of Education. An innovation in IFTE-2022 was the cooperation with the Forum " Educators of Russia", which made it possible to involve more than 10 thousand teachers from 75 regions of the Russian Federation in the discussion of topical problems of education. Thus, the Forum has become one of the largest events in the field of teacher education not only in our country, but also in the world.

The forum's objective is to study the trends and peculiarities of modernisation of teacher education in Russia; to analyse and summarise theoretical and practical, traditional and innovative approaches to the modernisation of teacher education.

The event was organised in offline, online and mixed formats in compliance with all necessary sanitary and epidemiological safety measures. More than 800 scientists took part in various sessions in person. During the three days of the Forum, 10077 entries were made to the various venues from Russia, China, India, Brazil, Turkey, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and other countries.

The key topics of IFTE-2022 were such actual problems for modern educational practice as:

  • Psychological well-being and teacher effectiveness.
  • Teacher education and the challenge of pandemic Covid-19.
  • Research-based teacher education as a phenomenon of educational anthropology.

In total, 203 different sessions - panel discussions, symposia, round table discussions, workshops, open podiums, lectures - were held within the Forum, where more than 1000 presentations were made by researchers in the field of teacher education.

During the forum, leading Russian and foreign scientists, experts, teachers and other representatives of the professional community discussed the key areas of development of teacher education in Russia, CIS countries and the world, as well as ways of its formation as a system of advanced training of pedagogical staff.

IFTE-2022 once again fulfilled its most important task - to be a scientific bridge between Russian and foreign scientists, on the one hand, promoting traditions and modern achievements of domestic education in the international community, and on the other hand, studying the best foreign practices and adapting them to our realities.

Kazan Federal University, in this regard, as one of the largest teacher training centres in Russia, was able to demonstrate its achievements in modernizing teacher education and show the potential of the domestic education system at the global level.

Traditionally, at the end of the Forum, the key issues of IFTE-2023 were identified. Within its general theme "Quality of Teacher Education in the context of Modern Challenges" the following topical issues will be considered:

- education in modern socio-cultural conditions: traditions, new challenges, responsibility;

- methodical teacher training as a factor of effectiveness of pedagogical education;

- historical and pedagogical heritage and teacher training: national values, modern understanding and best practices.

IFTE-2023 will be held in person from 24 to 26 May 2023 in Kazan, at the Kazan Federal University. A number of major sessions of the Forum will be held in a hybrid format (Webinar).

IX International Forum on Teacher Education

The IX International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE-2023 took place from 24 to 26 May 2023.

In 2023, almost 800 researchers became face-to-face participants of the forum, representing 116 cities and 167 universities, of which 30 are located outside the Russian Federation. Researchers from 15 countries came, which included 10 representatives from far abroad. Additionally, more than 12 thousand Russian and foreign teachers registered at the forum and attended almost all sessions in online format. During the three days, 785 reports and 133 scientific sessions were presented under one theme: "Quality of Teacher Education in the Context of Modern Challenges".

Three international conferences were held during the forum:

  • Education in modern socio-cultural conditions: traditions, new challenges, responsibility.
  • Methodical teacher training as a factor of effectiveness of pedagogical education.
  • Historical and pedagogical heritage and teacher training: national values, modern reflection and best practices.

International symposia, plenary and panel sessions, thematic round tables, open lectures, workshops and much more. There were discussions that shed light on the issues of modern teacher education, its history and development trends.

On 24 May, the IX International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE-2023 was opened. The scientific event was held jointly with the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia, the Russian Academy of Education, and the Federal Educational and Methodological Association of Higher Education.

The opening ceremony was attended by Dmitry Tayursky, First Vice-Rector – Vice-Rector for Research of Kazan Federal University, Aydar Kalimullin, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education, Elena Kazakova, Director of the Institute of Education at Saint Petersburg State University, Andrey Pominov, First Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Republic of Tatarstan, Nurlan Dulatbekov, Rector of Karaganda Buketov University, Balwant Singh, President of Partap College of Education (Ludhiana, India), Manpreet Kaur Bagga, Principal of Partap College of Education (Ludhiana, India), Conor Galvin, D.Sc., Researcher.

On behalf of the Rector of Kazan Federal University Lenar Safin, Dmitry Tayursky welcomed the guests.

At the end of the first part of the plenary sessions, Vladimir Borisenkov, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Head of the Department of History and Philosophy of Education, Faculty of Pedagogical Education, Lomonosov Moscow State University, presented the Director of the Institute Aydar Kalimullin with books written by him on Russian-Chinese relations.

Also on 24 May, an extended meeting of the Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the system of higher education on the Enlarged Groups of Specialities and Areas of Training 44.00.00 "Education and Pedagogical Sciences" was held. The topic of the meeting was "Updating common approaches to the structure and content of teacher training, taking into account the views of employers". Among the speakers and listeners were representatives of Kazan Federal University, Saint Petersburg State University, Herzen State Pedagogical University and many others.

On 25 May, a meeting of the Russian Academy of Education was held. The topic of discussion was: "Historical and Pedagogical Heritage as a Methodological Basis for the Development of Pedagogical Education". It was attended by: Academician of the Russian Academy of Education Vladimir Borisenkov together with Corresponding Members of the Russian Academy of Education Olga Gukalenko and Olga Kalimullina. The session was moderated by Gasangusejn Ibragimov, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Psychology and Education and Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education.

In addition, the second day of the event was particularly rich and memorable due to the meetings with academic experts, prominent specialists in the field of teacher education at the panel discussions of the Forum:

  1. Panel discussion on Teacher Education. The aim of the panel discussion: to identify the demand for research support and to conceptualise research infrastructure systemic transformation of teacher education in Russia in the medium term (2023 - 2026). The discussion was represented by: Elena Kazakova, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy of St. Petersburg State University; Pyotr Polozhevets, Executive Director of the Charity Fund "Contribution to the Future"; Elena Vrublevskaya, Deputy Head of the Center for Education Development of the Russian Academy of Education; Aydar Kalimullin, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education; Alexander Khodyrev, First Vice Rector of the K.D. Ushinsky Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University; Anna Budarina, Head of the Institute of Education and Humanities. The panel discussion was moderated by Alexander Bermus, Head of the Department of Education and Educational Sciences of the Academy of Psychology and Pedagogy of Southern Federal University, and Aydar Kalimullin, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education.
  2. Panel discussion " Education in modern socio-cultural conditions: traditions, new challenges, responsibility". It was attended by: Irina Demakova, Head of the Department of Psychological Anthropology at the Institute of Childhood of Moscow State Pedagogical University, Tamara Schelina, Head of the Department of General Pedagogy and Pedagogy of Vocational Education, Arzamas branch of Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod. The panel discussion was moderated by IFTE President Roza Valeeva.
  3. Panel discussion "Psychological education in a classical university in the context of subject-oriented approaches: issues, risks and prognoses". This issue was touched upon in their research by Victor Panov, Head of the Laboratory of Developmental Ecopsychology and Psychoeducation at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education, Rail Shamionov, Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology of the Saratov State University, Valentina Dolgova, Head of the South Ural Branch of the Gerontological Society of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Flera Mukhametzyanova, Professor of the Department of World Cultural Heritage of the Institute of International Relations, History and Oriental Studies of KFU, Svetlana Khusainova, Professor of the Department of Pedagogical Psychology of the Institute of Psychology and Education of KFU. The panel discussion was moderated by Flera Mukhametzyanova, Svetlana Khusainova and Irina Lushpayeva, Associate Professor at the Department of Educational Psychology, Institute of Psychology and Education, KFU.

As part of the Forum, the Charity Fund "Contribution to the Future" and the UNESCO Institute for Information Technologies organised a round table "Education for children's health and psychological well-being: joining approaches". Executive Director of the Charity Fund “Contribution to the Future” Pyotr Polozhevets moderated the roundtable discussions.

The roundtable participants included representatives of UNESCO, WHO, as well as foreign and Russian educational organisations. They learnt about key UN strategies, international guidelines and global data on students' health and well-being, and discussed approaches to creating and maintaining healthy, inclusive and safe learning environments in educational institutions. Presentations were made by Venkatraman Chandra Mouli, Head of the WHO Adolescent Health Unit, Mary Guinn Delaney, Head of the Safe and Healthy Learning Environment Unit in the Health and Education Section at UNESCO, Elena Kazakova, Director of the Institute of Pedagogy at St. Petersburg State University, Elena Diryugina, Head of Methodology and Prospective Studies at the Charity Fund “Contribution to the Future”, Tigran Yepoyan, UNESCO Regional Adviser on Education and Health, Vitali Nikanovich, UNESCO expert, specialist in social work and educational design, Almagul Mukhamedkhanova, Chief Researcher of the Institute of Continuing Education of the Altynsarin National Academy of Education, Aigul Rakizhanova, Senior Researcher of the Methodological Centre (Astana, Kazakhstan), Marina Mulkumova, an expert on healthy lifestyles representing the Institute of Child and Adolescent Health (Armenia).

26 May - round table discussion on the theme: "The university in a regional system of psychological support", devoted to the issues of creation and development of practices for quality and timely psychological support of Russian residents. It was attended by theorists and practitioners of psychological services of educational organisations of higher education, and also students as future teachers and psychologists. In particular, the meeting was attended by: Aydar Kalimullin, Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education, Laysan Rybakova, Deputy Director for Educational and Social Work of the Institute of Psychology and Education, Tatyana Tikhomirova, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Elvira Symaniuk, Professor Head of the Ural Regional Scientific Centre of the Russian Academy of Education, Sergey Malykh, Academician-Secretary of the Department of Psychology and Age Physiology of the Russian Academy of Education, Irina Baeva, Head of the Psychological Safety and Culture in Education Research Laboratory at Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, Rishat Guzejrov, Vice-Rector for Integrated Security of KFU, Arif Mezhvedilov, Vice-Rector for Youth Policy and Educational Activities, and Ruslan Khakimzyanov, Head of the Department of Clinical and Personality Psychology of Institute of Psychology and Education.

On the final day of the scientific event Aydar Kalimullin noted that the topics of the next jubilee Forum IFTE-2024, which will be held from 29 to 31 May and whose main goal will be "Research Transformation of Teacher Education: Tradition as the Basis for Innovation", have already been chosen:

  1. Standardization of teacher education content in BRICS countries: challenges and solutions
  2. Theory and practice of interdisciplinary research in teacher education
  3. Risk-focused teacher education: prevention of destructive behavior, social and psychological threats in education
  4. Ethnic and cultural factors in modern teacher education: regional, national and international experience
What's happening?
Latest news
12 May 2024
Program IFTE-2024

Dear Colleagues!

We are pleased to announce that the IFTE-2024 program is available on the Forum website https://ifte.kpfu.ru/en/conference/.

Every year we improve our conference platform, supplement it with new ideas and formats, discuss the most topical issues in pedagogical science and practice. The list of outstanding Russian and foreign scientists, IFTE participants, is growing. Currently, the Forum, held in the walls of Kazan Federal University since 2015, is one of the world's largest specialised scientific platforms to discuss the professional training of teachers.

The key agenda of the Forum is "IFTE-2024: BRICS countries on the way to improving teacher training".
This focus of the Forum allows it to act as a kind of scientific bridge to the large-scale summit of the BRICS countries, which will be held in Kazan in October this year.

The total number of announced participants of the Forum is 1,022 people. The key speakers of IFTE-2024 are scientists from Russia, Brazil, India, China, South Africa, Iran, UAE and Saudi Arabia. The Forum will be attended by 16 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, more than 60 heads of universities implementing teacher education programmes.
We are confident that your ideas, results of your research and pedagogical work presented at the Forum will strengthen scientific cooperation and contribute to improving the quality of teacher training in the world.

See you in Kazan!