Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation
Kazan (Volga region) Federal University
Russian Academy of Education
Federal Educational and Methodological Association in the system
of higher education on the enlarged group of specialties and
training programs 44.00.00 Education and Pedagogical Sciences
Forum “Educators of Russia”
in the year of the 220th anniversary of Kazan Federal University
10th International Forum on Teacher Education
May 29-31, 2024
Forum objectives:
- expanding the scientific worldview by utilizing the knowledge and cognitive tools of different disciplines to improve educational science and practice;
- facilitating communication, strengthening cooperation between scientists, practitioners and politicians in the field of pedagogy and psychology for the improvement of education;
- supporting colleagues starting out on the path of educational science and practice, laying the foundations for new projects and partnerships;
- strengthening of interinstitutional cooperation to improve the level of training of specialists in the educational sphere.
International conferences within the framework of the Forum:
1. Standardization of teacher education content in BRICS countries: challenges and solutions;
2. Theory and practice of interdisciplinary research in teacher education;
3. Risk-focused teacher education: prevention of destructive behavior, social and
psychological threats in education;
4. Ethnic and cultural factors in modern teacher education: regional, national and international
The main work directions of the Forum:
Conference 1 (organised ahead of the XVI BRICS Summit to be held in Kazan in October 2024)
- Models of standardization of teacher education in the BRICS countries: retrospective
and modernity. - Methodology of design and engineering of teacher education standards in the BRICS
countries. - Quality assessment systems for teacher education in the BRICS countries, alternative
assessment formats. - Benefits and risks of teacher education in the BRICS countries: discussions in search
of quality training. - Diversification of competency models of the modern teacher in the BRICS countries:
self-education, soft and hard skills. - Transformation of content and technologies of teacher training in the BRICS countries:
online, micro-learning, neuro-education, augmented reality.
Conference 2
- Interdisciplinary research in pedagogy and psychology, their potential in social and
natural sciences. - Mental states in educational and pedagogical activity: how to ensure effective interaction
between the subjects of the educational process? - Cross-cultural studies of personality in pedagogical education: comparing the behavior
of people of different cultures in the process of teacher training, studying the relationship
between the features of psyche and culture. - Factors of human subjectivity formation in the educational space of school and university:
humanistic and humanitarian paradigm. - The category of experience in the study of the educational process, family systems.
Positive and negative aspects of perezhivanie, the management of one's perezhivanie,
the connection between perezhivanie and educational results. - Psychometric support of the educational process: generalizing the practice of
psychological measurements. - Integration of pedagogy with cognitive science, neurobiology and neuropsychology of
personality. - Methodology and methods of organizing socio-psychological training.
- The role of interdisciplinary research in complex support of ASD and other mental
disorders. - Psychology of Education: priorities and perspectives for research and practice.
Conference 3
- Risk-oriented approach as a condition for improving the quality of education in an
educational organization. - Theory and methodology of risk-oriented pedagogical education, national and foreign
practices. - The essence of destructive behavior, its consequences at different levels of education,
the potential of preventology in the education of a harmoniously developed personality. - Trends of deviant behavior in education in the light of modern challenges and threats.
- Clinical and psychological diagnostics in prevention and prophylaxis of destructive
behavior. - Approaches, methods and technologies to the organization of a safe educational
environment. - Russian practices of educating students with destructive behavior: history and modernity.
- Risks and restrictions in the education for people with autism spectrum and other mental
disorders. - Cyberspace and education: systemic risks and threats to psychological safety.
- Psychological service of education: new content and opportunities in solving socially
significant problems. - The role of psychological service in the prevention of deviant behavior of youth: cases
of national educational organizations. - Specialist training in the field of prevention of destructive behavior and socio-psychological threats in education: significance, risks, prospects of development.
Conference 4
- Educational policies and equity: narrowing achievement gaps and promoting equal
educational opportunities within ethnocultural groups. - Technological and digital gap: the impact of access to technology, digital resources and
online learning platforms on educational equity among different ethnocultural groups. - Cultural diversity in education: the impact of ethnocultural backgrounds on curriculum
development and educational policies, teaching and learning practices. - Intercultural comparisons: comparative studies of the influence of ethnocultural factors
on education in different countries and societies. - Intercultural competence: developing intercultural understanding and communication
skills in the context of modern education. - Multicultural education: approaches and strategies for creating an inclusive educational
environment. - International trends in the development of education for people with autism spectrum
and other mental disorders. - Best practices: successful educational programs, strategies and initiatives in
ethnocultural inclusive contexts. - Identity formation: ethnocultural factors, cultural assimilation, acculturation and
biculturalism in education. - Parents, family and student's cultural capital: supporting students' educational success
with the influence of cultural values, beliefs and educational aspirations in diverse
ethnocultural communities. - Teacher training and multicultural pedagogy: professional pedagogical knowledge,
skills and attitudes for effective teaching of culturally diverse learners.
IFTE-2024 will be held in-person on 29-31, May, 2024 in Kazan at the Kazan Federal University. A number of major sessions of the Forum will be held in a hybrid format (Yandex, Telemost, Webinar).
The forum will be held in Russian and English.
IFTE Forum is one of the world's largest specialized scientific platforms on teacher education, organized in Kazan Federal University.
In 2023, almost 800 researchers, representing 116 cities and 167 universities, 30 of which are located outside of the Russian Federation, became in-person attendees of the Forum. The number of registrations for the Forum in 2023 reached 12,000 participants - Russian and foreign teacher-practitioners who attended the IFTE-2023 sessions in the online format. Within the three days of the Forum, 785 papers were presented and 133 scientific sessions were held. IFTE-2023 makes a great contribution to enhancing the academic reputation of KFU at the international level, which is confirmed by the university's position in world rankings (THE Education, 2024, #126-150; QS Education, 2023, #101-150).
Publication of the proceedings
Forum proceedings were indexed in the systems RSCI, Google Scholar, Web of Science (currently suspended) databases. The best-scholarly papers are traditionally published in the scientific journal of Kazan Federal University "Education and Self-Development" (indexed in Scopus since 2018). Authors can prepare articles in Russian for the RSCI proceedings. All articles are subject to peer review (no less than 80% originality of the text).
Requirements for the application
- Abstract length is 500 words, not including the reference list. It is also required to provide
a translation of the abstract and reference list in English. The maximum number of authors are 4 participants. - The abstract should contain the following sections: research problem, research objective,
research methods, conclusions and recommendations, key words (5-7 words), and
reference list. - Reviewers evaluate: clear statement of the purpose of the research, originality of the
research, adherence to ethical standards, relevance of the research to educational
practice, policy and/or theory. - Applications for IFTE-2024 will be accepted on the Forum portal .
NB! The Forum provides opportunities for productive collaboration between researchers and
practitioners and supports initiatives for joint research projects in the field of teacher education.
To this end, the platform of the International Community of Educational Researchers
( will support all IFTE participants.
Registration fee
The registration fee for participation in the Forum is paid after acceptance of abstracts.
The registration fee for participation in the Forum costs 3000 rubles for Russian and foreign
The registration fee includes:
- participation in Forum meetings
- handout material
- participation certificate
- cultural program
- coffee breaks
- publication in the Russian-language IFTE-2024 Proceedings, accepted by the editorial
board after review (RSCI indexed).
Key dates
December 1, 2023 – Registration for the Forum begins
March 22, 2024 – Registration and the abstract submission deadline
April 5, 2024 – Authors are notified of the outcome of submissions
April 15, 2024 – Registration fee payment deadline
April 28, 2024 – Deadline for the article submission at the account
May 10, 2024 – Program release date
Additional information can be found on the Forum website, as well as by e-mail to IFTE in Telegram;
Dear Colleagues!
We are pleased to announce that the IFTE-2024 program is available on the Forum website
Every year we improve our conference platform, supplement it with new ideas and formats, discuss the most topical issues in pedagogical science and practice. The list of outstanding Russian and foreign scientists, IFTE participants, is growing. Currently, the Forum, held in the walls of Kazan Federal University since 2015, is one of the world's largest specialised scientific platforms to discuss the professional training of teachers.
The key agenda of the Forum is "IFTE-2024: BRICS countries on the way to improving teacher training".
This focus of the Forum allows it to act as a kind of scientific bridge to the large-scale summit of the BRICS countries, which will be held in Kazan in October this year.
The total number of announced participants of the Forum is 1,022 people. The key speakers of IFTE-2024 are scientists from Russia, Brazil, India, China, South Africa, Iran, UAE and Saudi Arabia. The Forum will be attended by 16 academicians and corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Education, more than 60 heads of universities implementing teacher education programmes.
We are confident that your ideas, results of your research and pedagogical work presented at the Forum will strengthen scientific cooperation and contribute to improving the quality of teacher training in the world.
See you in Kazan!