Aydar Kalimullin

Aydar Kalimullin

Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education of Kazan Federal University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor (Russia)

Aydar Kalimullin is a Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Institute of Education and Psychology of Kazan Federal University. His professional career has always been focused on teacher education. He worked his way up from a lecturer to a professor and a rector of pedagogical university.  In 2020-2022, he worked as an international expert of the National Scientific Council of the Republic of Kazakhstan. At present, he is an expert of the Russian Academy of Sciences and a visiting professor of Samarkand State University in the Republic of Uzbekistan.

Professor Aydar Kalimullin's research interests include comparative analysis of reforming teacher education in different countries of the world. The results of his research have been published in leading Russian and international publishing houses.

Keynote report: International Forum on Teacher Education: the role of Kazan Federal University in improving teacher training in Russia

Latest publications:

1) Gafurov, I., Kalimullin, A., Valeeva, R., & Rushby, N. (Eds.). (2020). Developing Teacher Competences: Key Issues and Values. Nova. https://novapublishers.com/shop/developing-teacher-competences-key-issues-and-values/
2) Kalimullin et al. (2020). Post-Soviet Identity and Teacher Education: Past, Present, Future. Education and Self-Development, 3(15), 145-163. https://rep.bstu.by/xmlui/bitstream/handle/data/8283/145-163.pdf?sequence=1&isAllowed=y
3) Gromova, C., Khairutdinova, R., Birman, D., & Kalimullin, A. (2020). Teaching technologies for immigrant children: an exploratory study of elementary school teachers in Russia. In E. Makarova (Ed.), Acculturation and School Adjustment of Minority Students School and Family-Related Factors (pp. 51-66). Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Acculturation-and-School-Adjustment-of-Minority-Students-School-and-Family-Related/Makarova/p/book/9780367516345