Olga Vasilyeva

Olga Vasilyeva

President of the Russian Academy of Education, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Russian Academy of Education (Russia)

Honorary Member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Academician of the Russian Academy of Education since 27 May 2021, President of the Russian Academy of Education

Research interests: methodology and technology of teaching the course "Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics" in the Russian education system; the integral system of the content of the course of Fundamentals of Religious Cultures and Secular Ethics; approaches to building a research space for the study of the history of religions and the history of state-confessional relations in the Russian Federation.

Olga Vasilyeva is the first female Minister of Education and Science in the Russian Federation (2016-2018), as well as the first Minister of Education of the Russian Federation (2018-2020). During her tenure as Minister, astronomy lessons were returned to the school curriculum, key principles for updating the Federal State Educational Standards were developed, a large-scale popularisation of chess among schoolchildren began, the vector for returning postgraduate studies to the status of one of the stages of scientific activity was set, and the implementation of the National Project "Education" began.

Olga Vasilyeva is the author of more than 160 scientific works, including 8 monographs. Under her guidance 3 doctors of sciences and 29 candidates of sciences have defended themselves.

She is a member of the International Association for the History of Religions and defended her doctoral dissertation on "The Russian Orthodox Church in the policy of the Soviet state in 1943-1948".

Latest publications:

  • Васильева О.Ю. Роль учителя со временем будет возрастать // Экономические стратегии. – 2021. – № 4 (178). – С. 70-75.
  • Васильева О.Ю. Академия: новый этап деятельности // Педагогика. – 2021. – № 11. – С. 7-11.
  • Васильева О.Ю., Агранович М. Чему сегодня учат будущих педагогов и какой должна быть зарплата учителя? «Деловой завтрак» с главой Российской Академии образования Ольгой Васильевой // Российская газета. – 2022. – № 142 (8790) – С. 10.