17 May 2021

The Forum will host a session dedicated to the 30th anniversary of the Russian Society of Janusz Korczak

The Kazan branch of the Society was created by the professor of Kazan University, now the President of the Russian Society of Janusz Korchak, Rosa Valeeva.

In 2021, the Russian Society of Janusz Korczak celebrates its 30th anniversary. President of the Russian Society Janusz Korchak, founder and head of the Kazan Korchakov Center, Head of the Pedagogy Department of the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Kazan Federal University, Honored Scientist of the Republic of Tatarstan, founder of the scientific school "Humanistic Paradigm of Education and Training", one of the first researchers of the humanistic tradition in domestic and foreign pedagogy Rosa Valeeva announced the holding of a special session during the VII International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE dedicated to such a significant event. Representatives of the Korczak Center from ten countries confirmed their participation.

Janusz Korczak is an outstanding educator, writer, publicist, advocate of children's rights. His scientific works became the basis for the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, and literary works were translated into almost all languages ​​of the world, for the sake of children during the Second World War, he refused to save his life three times.

In honor of the centenary of the birth of the Polish teacher, UNESCO declared 1978 the year of Janusz Korczak. It was at this time that the International Korchak Movement was born. In Russia, the Janusz Korczak Society was founded in 1991.

The Kazan branch of the Janusz Korczak Society was created by the professor of Kazan University Rosa Valeeva in 1993 on the basis of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Kazan Pedagogical University. Today it is based at the Institute of Psychology and Education of the Kazan Federal University. During this time, the Russian Society of Janusz Korczak has carried out a lot of projects aimed at disseminating and introducing Janusz Korczak's ideas into the educational process of Russian universities and Russian pedagogy in general.


Roza Alekseevna shared her vision of the ideas of the outstanding Polish humanist educator Janusz Korczak, who died together with his students in 1942 at the hands of the Nazis. At one time, the name of the Polish teacher became for her a symbol of devotion and dedication in teaching. She will present to the participants of the session a report “Janusz Korczak and modern problems of education”. Here are some of the most striking quotes from the future speech of our professor.

- Business and thought, whose name is Janusz Korczak, his literary and pedagogical works represent a most valuable contribution to the world pedagogical science. They concentrate knowledge and experience, the results of observations and conclusions of Korczak the doctor and Korczak the teacher. Acquaintance with his legacy allows everyone involved in the work of upbringing to gain a deeper understanding of the foundations of modern pedagogy and psychology.

- The upbringing system of Janusz Korczak in the Orphanage and Our Home is a progressive phenomenon not only for its time. The most expressive feature of this system, which determined its humanistic character, was the focus on humanizing the relationship between educators and pupils, as well as between children in a children's collective. It is this characteristic of Janusz Korczak's upbringing system that makes it possible to assert that it was a unique example of the implementation of the humanistic paradigm of upbringing.

- The period of childhood, when the child's spiritual and physical development and his socialization are carried out, is viewed by him not as a preparation for the future "real" life, but as a full-fledged life that has an intrinsic value.

- Korczak considers the ideal upbringing that corresponds to the nature of the child as much as possible. Such upbringing becomes a part of his life and is perceived by him as something necessary and understandable. It is quite understandable that such an interpretation of upbringing rejects authoritarian pressure on the child, does not even recognize the manipulation of his psyche and behavior in the name of good goals.

- The goal of humanistic education has a pronounced anthropo-oriented, pedocentric character. The child, his interests and needs are brought to the fore. The ideal of a person in humanistic pedagogy is a free creative personality capable of self-actualization, and the goal of upbringing is its formation. The implementation of this approach is possible only with full consideration of the interests of children, constant stimulation of the activity of each of them, their self-realization as a unique one, representing the absolute value of the individual.

Recall that at the V International Forum on Pedagogical Education IFTE, held at KFU in 2019, President of the International Korczak Association, ex-Ombudsman for the Rights of the Child in Poland Marek Michalek “For respect for the personality of the child and recognition of the intrinsic value of children's life, which are the most important tenets of humanistic pedagogy Janusz Korczak, as a person who made a great contribution to the activities of our organization, ”presented a commemorative sign to Rosa Valeeva.