Viktor Panov

Head of the Laboratory of Developmental Ecopsychology and Head of the Laboratory of Ecopsychology of Development and Psychoeducation at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education. Doctor of Psychology 19.00.01 (1996), Professor (2006), Corresponding Member of “МАПСН” (1995), Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Education (2001), Full Member of the International Academy of Psychological Sciences (2017). In 1973, he graduated from the Lenin Moscow State Pedagogical Institute with a degree in mathematics.

Victor Panov began working at the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education (then the Research Institute of General and Educational Psychology of the USSR Academy of Pedagogical Sciences) in 1968 as a lab assistant; from 1993 to 2002 he was Deputy Director of the Psychological Institute of the Russian Academy of Education for Research; from 1995 to now he has been Head of the Laboratory for Developmental Ecopsychology (now called Ecopsychology and Psychodidactics).

From 1997 to 2001, he was Scientific Head of the Coordination Council for the Federal Programme “Одаренные дети”, and from 2008 to now he has been the Chairman of the Expert Council for Psychology, Pedagogy and Human Ecology of the Russian Humanitarian Scientific Foundation and then the Russian Foundation for Fundamental Research. Under the guidance of Victor Panov, 12 PhD and doctoral dissertations in psychology and pedagogy were prepared and defended.

Latest publications:

1. Становление субъектности учащегося и педагога: экопсихологическая модель / Под ред. В. И. Панова.  М.: ПИ РАО; СПб.: Нестор-История, 2018.
2. Становление субъектности: от экопсихологической модели к психодидактическим технологиям: коллективная монография / Под ред. В.И. Панова. СПб.: Нестор-История, 2022.
3. Панов В.И. Парадоксальность и природа одарённости: экопсихологический подход // Ярославский психологический вестник, 2020, Выпуск 3 (48). С.35-43.
4. Панов В.И. Экопсихологический подход к развитию психики: этапы, предпосылки, конструкты // Теоретическая и экспериментальная психология, 2022, №3. С. 100–117.  doi: 10.24412/2073–0861-2022-3-100-117
5. Панов В.И. Субъектность педагога в условиях цифровизации образования: экопсихологический аспект.  Глава 6. // Педагог в контексте личностного и профессионального развития: реальность и перспективы: Коллективная монография / под ред. Л.М. Митиной; Психологический институт РАО. – М.: Психологический институт РАО, 2022.  С. 63–72.

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11 April 2024
Kazan Federal University was included in the TOP-100 of the QS Subject Ranking in Education

For the first time according to the QS World University Rankings in the field of Education, Kazan Federal University was ranked 89th in the world and 2nd in Russia. This ranking position shows the progress of KFU indicators in the field of Education, gives an assessment of the status of Kazan Federal University among the world's universities, and testifies in favour of the quality of education at KFU.


For reference: QS is one of the authoritative international rankings of the best higher education institutions. It is published based on the results of research by Quacquarelli Symonds, a British analytical company specialising in education and study abroad. The traditional component of the QS ranking is the university's academic reputation and reputation among employers.