What’s new?
24 October 2024
Special issue of the journal ‘Education and Self-Development’

Dear colleagues!

We are pleased to inform you that as a result of the Jubilee International Forum on Teacher Education IFTE-2024 a special issue of the scientific journal ‘Education and Self-Development’ has been published. The journal is published by Kazan Federal University and includes the best results of research on the teacher training system both in Russia and abroad.

This special issue of the journal contains articles by key speakers of the Jubilee Forum - Prof. Congman Rao, Director of the Institute of International and Comparative Education, Northeast Normal University (China), Professor Lucio Alvaro Marques, Dean of the Pedagogical Department of the Federal University of Triangulo Mineiro (Brazil), Dr.  Intakhab Alam Khan, Professor of King Abdulaziz University (Saudi Arabia), Dr. Fariba Haghighi Irani, Professor of Islamic Azad University (Iran). Under the main theme of IFTE -2024 ‘BRICS countries on the way to improve teacher education’, scholars shared their teaching experience and new scientific knowledge.

In addition, the special issue presents articles by Forum participants from different Russian universities who work on joint research projects within the framework of the International Community of Researchers in Teacher Education (ICREP) (https://te.kpfu.ru/) and annually report on the results of their research at the Forum.

The special issue can be found at the link  19 | Article Volume Numbers | Education and Self-Development (kpfu.ru), as well as in the ‘Journals’ section of the Forum's website https://ifte.kpfu.ru/en/journals/.

13 June 2024
IFTE-2024 results
Where to go?
Roza A.Valeeva
IFTE President
D.Sc., Prof., Head of the Pedagogy Department, Institute of Psychology and Education KFU
Aydar M. Kalimullin
IFTE Chair
D.Sc., Prof., Director of the Institute of Psychology and Education KFU
Tatiana A. Baklashova
IFTE Chief executive
PhD, Associate Professor, Deputy Director for International activity, Institute of Psychology and Education KFU